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It`s Okay to Be Spiritual and Like Material Things


Updated: Jun 7, 2023

Woman in Purple Dress Raising Her Hands ·
Woman in Purple Dress Raising Her Hands

It’s okay to be spiritual and like material things that the human experience offers us as multidimensional soul beings…no one said you couldn’t have both.

Well perhaps some guru said so but who listens to them anyway…

I feel many of us in the spiritual community have struggled for a long time with wanting to live a good life and being spiritual.

A lot of internal battling occurs as we step into our multidimensional selves as we work out over time parts of us that can be let go. What we can accept, and, without the guilt of feeling that way, is that learning to be human is the hard part of being spiritual and not denying parts of who you are.

The guilt I’ve had for wanting both of those aspects to be part of my life, denying myself. I danced around it for so long. Taking one side or the other at different times.

It wasn't until I was in meditation time this morning that I decided the internal boxing match has to have its final ring of the bell.

Thinking that I shouldn’t dream about making $$$$ that allows me to work for myself, go on holidays, and surround my environment with furniture and objects that make me happy and feel luxurious. It doesn't make me superficial.

I’m someone who has realised my external environment fuels my drive to work hard and be a space that reflects her inner light to create offers and guide the collective. It has to be a place that I am happy inhibiting, and if I don't like it, only I have the power to change it.

Today I’m making peace with the fact that I love nice things that I’m also a spiritual-multidimensional-holistic-practitioner and that it’s okay to have both in my life.

And not because I think I should, it is because I am all of those things, a sacred rebel with many causes she wants to fight for.

My intention is that when I have the wealth — emotionally, spiritually, and financially is when I can share that with others, through my own gifts and help change the world in a way that makes sense to me.

Without intention, wanting things will remain superficial, and it’s hard when the world is going through deep change and facing financial blocks from the external, like here in Australia with crazy interest rates and cost of living.

Now I’m consciously working on investing in myself and holding that intention because I know what’s in my heart. I am consciously choosing how my energy is used, how I spend that wealth in all its forms and the impact it has as it reflects into the outer areas of my life.

That’s all that matters.

Not feeling guilty for investing in me is also feeling worthy of all the good things a multi-dimensional soul being can have in this incarnation. A big step towards a new adventure. A newfound acceptance of self.

When we plant seeds of intention, everything else in our life will align.


I've created an online school for spiritual development for awakened souls, where I guide you to live your best multidimensional soul beings and not make the same mistakes I did by my example I show you how to live a spiritual life while being human with more ease and less resistance.

Join us, doors have opened to Soul Connect, class starts June 2023.

Link in bio or visit to learn more, there is also a PDF guidebook that gives you all the details.


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