Are there risks to social media distance online healing practices?

I have a confession - I am guilty of offering distance online healing via social media, and the offering was at the time free.
Now, many years later, as I have evolved in awareness, I do not offer energy healing directly in a live format and for free.
This was back in 2018, a couple of years since my awakening when I was still a newbie and trying to find my way in the realm of spirituality and healing.
Learning from hindsight
There is nothing wrong with hindsight and if we don't learn from our past experiences then we rarely grow.
As a result of my own experiences, I learned about the importance of boundaries and being mindful of others in the spiritual community I wanted to emulate, be like them and, in a way, to fit in.
At the time I didn't think I was doing anything wrong, admittedly I was feeling a bit uncomfortable with giving out free healing. Energy that was channelled through me from source to give to others.
Instead of giving it out for free, I could have offered it by donation. I was trying to grow my Facebook page and thought this would be the way to grow it.
And it did but not in the most aligned way, for me or those followers.
Regardless of my best intentions. What I did do right was ensure my energy and aura were protected. I shielded and was sure my connection for the healing was of the light and the highest frequency and vibration.
The right and wrong way for healing
What I will also say when it comes to giving out healing is that everyone has their own healing practices. They have their own morals, beliefs and motivations for doing it this way.
We don't always have the best teachers with ethics that we think are aligned with ours or beliefs that are for the highest good of the collective.
And we don`t come to this conclusion until we realise it ourselves or our energy is leaking or worse we become ill.
The shadow side to offering healing is that we may not really know who is giving out the healing, what their intentions are, and what frequency they are emitting. Another reason that I would like to make others aware of is you don't know who that reader or healer has on the other side.
What I mean by that some of us are heavily protected by our spirit team and ancestors. There could be unseen Karma and energy that is exchanged during a reading or healing.
We can fall into the trap of just accepting an offering even if we may not feel it is best for us. We may be going through a personal experience where our defences are down. Leaving us open and vulnerable forgetting to shield or protect our energy.
I don't feel it`s taught much in the spiritual community of choosing to accept and receive healing in the most honest way, especially now in an online presence.
That is not to say everyone acts this way, for the majority I believe we don`t.
The Energy Exchange
Back in the day when spirituality was beginning to make its impact on the collective, we had just begun to realise we were heading towards the path of ascension to 5D, a lot of offerings were of the mindset they should be given out for free.
What we have learned since about our life force or Chi energy, is also understanding "energy exchange" whether that exchange is monetary or otherwise.
We can relate this to the law of cause and effect and the law of compensation.
Both are intertwined in this case. It is balance, harmony, being mindful of our actions and abundance, how we receive it or give it. And intention is the highest frequency of all laws.
It wasn't up until around 5 years ago had the spiritual community began to move forward with more insight on spiritual practices. This was also something I observed in social media posts that suggested that those who offer services should be compensated.
At the very least a barter in a sense of energy being exchanged.
This still does split the community right down the middle of should be compensated or given freely.
Spiritual Growth and Permission
Social Media is an unlimited arena for businesses offering spiritual services. Neither can you stop readers or healers from offering their services for free.
What we can choose to do is pause before we consciously choose whose TikTok or Instagram reel we allow into our energy.
At that pause is also the moment we consider permission. It reminds me of the movie 5th Element where Korben Dallas is going to kiss Leeloo and she says "Not without my permission" This is what I mean.
An awakened soul is consciously aware of its surroundings and discerning of what is occurring subconsciously.
Spiritual hygiene is deciding whether you allow access to your energy or you don`t. It is not about being in a state of fear, it is just being aware. you may notice you feel uncomfortable or something feels off.
When I had my clinic a few years ago and I was offering energy healing I always asked for their permission before I started a session.
I can confidently say that my spiritual health is maintained constantly and it is complex with a lot of layers and guards.
I have been working with my guides and ancestors for almost 10 years. There are boundaries, intentions and permissions that I have established that are permanent. As well as specifically to my energy frequency.
I guide you to build the same relationship and connect to your spiritual team for the right levels of protection throughout your spiritual growth. As it will change the longer you are awake.
In addition to that we are vibrating at a higher frequency. We have done the work to get there it means that anything lower that is not for your highest good is instantly repelled.
In saying this I will also mention I don't believe in psychic attacks, you can read more about that here. They are of a vibration that we have moved way past now.
What aligns with you and what doesn't
I don't always follow what others are doing in the spiritual community, nor do I have the same beliefs as others when it comes to psychic attacks, self-love or inner child.
Spirituality is about finding your own path and the truths that you align with, no one else. We are not here to be carbon copies of a spiritual guru that was around in the 80`s.
Our re-evolution, the path of ascension is to a vibration, not a physical place. And this movement is travelleing at such a speed that 12 months from now even this blog post may be obsolete.
The awakening is worldwide, but for it to continue the guidance here is:
The focus begins with healing ourselves, practising good spiritual hygiene, and being part of communities that match our morals and beliefs. It truly does start with us.
Final Thoughts
All I hope that you gain from reading this is you understand and are aware of how valuable the currency of energy is. It`s your life force, and your responsibility to monitor it, heal it and protect it when needed.
Consider building a strong relationship with your spirit team whoever they are. Strengthen your intuition. Listen to the cues your body is sending you if you come across a creator or business that you feel is not aligned. Keep scrolling and finding someone who is on your frequency.
Finally, understanding how vital the practice of awareness is to your spiritual growth and you continue to honour that no matter where you are on your spiritual journey.