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Why Resting is Important During an Energy Shift.


Updated: 16 hours ago

Discover why taking time to rest is crucial for your well-being during energy shifts and changes.

women lying on paved road in forest
women lying on paved road in forest

It is okay during an energy shift to do nothing. It is exactly what you should be aiming for.

As I write this, we are coming out of a wave of an energy shift. This wave also is coming off the influx of recent C-class solar storms and several planets in retrograde.

You can just feel the energy, something deeper is flowing in the underground currents deep within the earth's core.

I can tell this shift is massive because I am in bed early and have napping during the day (I never do either) and the zombie-like walking I am doing around my home.


The collective lessons

As we collectively wake up from the matrix and walk our path of ascension, these shifts are no joke and during each one, we wonder if we will get to the other side.

It has been a while since I felt the energy this strong and after experiencing many years worth of cosmic occurrences, they don`t always become easier but one important lesson I have gained is not to fight it.

Early on I used to struggle with doing nothing while my Virgo brain couldn`t sit still. Relaxing was unheard of and the guilt of doing nothing was fighting with a demand I do something.

Now it is the opposite, I am quicker to recognise the cues my body gives me, and I am even lucky enough now that I can anticipate (sometimes) a solar or geomagnetic storm. Knowing that any one of these will trigger or be the trigger of an energy shift, a timeline collapsing or upgrades and downloads.

Before I learned to slow down and allow the mind and body to acclimatise and integrate light codes that come with the storms or shifts I was very much on fast forward.

My external environment was the same. My brain was like a hamster on a wheel or doing a zoomie just like my dog but in my head. It is a spaced-out feeling, my body feels somewhat present.

But recall is vague, I have no idea what I did today, what I ate, or even if I showered, I can`t remember the details of anything, other symptoms of an energy shift and what my body is feeling.

The lesson in this was also reminding me of the guilt I felt from being still. I think it stemmed from childhood we where brought up with very strong work ethics, people pleasing to the point of being burnt out and never slowing down.

And we can during many phases of our awakening experience times where we have no motivation, no drive. Unable to decide if I am hungry or not while managing bouts of nausea vertigo, and brain fog.

This is making the guilt worse as my 3D brain says you must do something while my 5D higher self says for the love of the universe will you just chill..!

The universe doesn't care that the 3D self is trying to rearrange a cupboard or do a grocery list just something “normal".

That is the biggest hurdle many of us face, there is no normal way to do things amid an influx of energy. The higher self is in control and resting and getting enough sleep is one of the few ways the body has time to integrate the higher frequencies.

That is until the body is better equipped to hold onto the energy.


Why is it so Important for our overall well-being?

As I lay in bed writing this, exhausted-cant sleep insomnia burning my eyes, I am guided to write down what this feels like and describe it as best I can.

My ears ring as if I have been at a concert for 10 hours. I feel on the surface slightly better, still exhausted, but better. I help ground and anchor the body by being quiet and channeling the energy into something constructive.

In this instance, I am writing this story. I never thought writing would be grounding for me initially but it has helped. Usually, the last thing we think of is grounding we usually feel too wiped out to do anything else, but it really does help.

I feel many of us forget to do tasks or hobbies that are beneficial for the 5d body and not the 3D body.

Years ago, I never really remembered good spiritual practices during a shift. I usually just ride it out and pray that it passes.

An energy shift will be different for everyone and occur at different times, our waves will be unique to us but collectively we all go through it like a Mexican wave one after the other.

Our symptoms will be somewhat the same as our way showers. First wavers guide us and let us know what we can expect and collectively feel either all of the symptoms or just a few of them.

What we can do is not be so hard on ourselves and we really do have to rest our bodies, our energy demands it. I experienced a lot of anxiety and depression until I learned to balance the energy. I still suffer with both of those at times, but tend to deal with them more during an energy shift.


What does it feel like to the body?

The upgrades, and the changes to our cellular /DNA structure to become more crystalline need the body mind, and soul to rest. It's a subconscious rewiring.

We can fight it as much as we want but sometimes the wave is going to come crashing through, and you will know when it hits.

It will feel like a wave coming over your head and down your body you will sway a little and your legs and feet will be like jelly. You may be more sensitive to the emotions of others and your emotions are varied.

Sometimes that wave will last a few minutes or even a few hours. I`ve been heard saying to my higher-self / guides "your not the boss of me" then dragging my body to the nearest chair lounge or bed.


To just be

If thinking resting was the only lesson then you also learn about surrender. Trust me, fighting what the body and mind need just makes it worse.

I soon understood that the guilt is not really guilt, it is trusting yourself to surrender to your higher self, your higher purpose, and surrendering to just being in the moment..truly everything else can wait.

You are surrendering to the present.

My upbringing was planning and living for the future. The 5D is the now, it's the whole point of why we evolve and ascend. We forgot to just be, and not worry about what comes next.

Coincidentally did not help with my anxiety and depression.


Final thoughts

We get caught up in doing the awakening right or ascension right - sometimes you are going to get it wrong or miss the cues from the body or your inner guidance telling you to slow down.

Instead, if you can cultivate awareness about what your soul is asking from you regardless if it is an energy shift or solar storm and see them as lessons for next time, you will be better prepared.

Less fighting it is where you want to be.

For now, acknowledge the guilt if you feel it. Thank it for being here, listen to the whispers of the body and stay in the moment. Regardless if that is resting for one second, one minute, or 1 hour.

You that you are exactly where you are meant to be at this moment.


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